TRISPEC trains and certifies its technicians with the most up-to-date codes to ensure your NDT projects meet every requirement and specification; this includes all documentation written and practiced by the company and its employees.
We strictly adhere to AWS, API, ASME, ABS, and NACE codes, guidelines, recommendations, and specifications.
Examples of codes we work within:
ASME B31.1 - Power Piping
ASME B31.3 - Process Piping
ASME B31.4 - Pipeline Transportation for Liquids & Slurries
ASME B31.5 - Refrig. Piping & Heat Transfer Components
ASME B31.8 - Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping
ASME B31.9 - Building Services Piping
ASME B31.12 - Hydrogen Piping and Pipelines
AWS D1.1 - Steel Structural Welding
AWS D1.5 - Bridge Welding
AWS D1.6 - Stainless Steel Structural Welding
ASME Section V
ASME Section IX
API 510 - Pressure Vessel Inspection/Rating/Repair/Alteration
API 570 - In-service Inspection/Repair/Alteration of Piping
API 598 - Valve Inspection & Testing
API 620 - Low-Pressure Storage Tank Design/Construction
API 650 - Welded Tanks for Oil Storage
API 653 - Tank Inspection/Repair/Alteration/Reconstruction
API 1104 - Welding of Pipelines & Related Facilities
API 1169 - Pipeline Construction Inspection
API 2000 - Venting Atmospheric/Low-pressure Storage Tanks
STI SP001 - Steel Tank Institute Aboveground Storage Tanks
+ many other industry codes